Customer needs and manufacturing


Distribution and delivery


We carry out a specific study of the tray to be used depending on of the client's needs based on the following parameters.

  • Geometry
  • Number of reuse uses
  • Foods to contain

The multilayer design of the tray and the seller and furable sheet without waste, allow a large number of reuses with total guarantees and a reduction of plastic waste of up to 98% compared to the current alternatives present in the market.

recent project

Our system


The manufacturing of our trays takes place on the European Union in collaboration with top-level European companies in the sector.

Control and traceability

Through the customer portal we offer, the customer can have total control of the product batches he has in use and the life cycles that each container has had.


Cleaning equipment guarantees both rinsing and washing and drying of the product as long as it is returned clean, dry and properly packaging at the customer's facilities.