Retorner in numbers

Kg Saved plastic waste

Tn Reduced CO2 emissions

Planted trees

Reusable Tray Recovered

recent project

The multilayer system allows us the recovery of the tray itself at the end of its useful life and the cuts during its manufacture.


- Inside layer of virgin material by contact with food.
- Structural external layer of recovered material.
- Sewing of the tray with pelable sheet without residue that allows
sealed repeatedly in a watertight manner.
- Transformation process by thermo-conformed.
- Low production cost.
- Great ease of design.
- Possibility of multi-cell structures.
- Sealed with pelable sheet without residue, transparent, of virgin material.
- Suitable for microwave and freezing.
- Reduction of plastic waste by recovering scraps from the
manufacturing process such as trays at the end of the useful life cycle.
- Manufacturing and design in the EU.

We optimize your resources

We offer a previous study of the SUP packaging that the client wants replace with reusable containers in which they escaped The following parameters:

- Material to be used depending on the requirements of the packaged product and its treatment.
- Number of established cycles.
- Machinery to be used for filling and packaging.

The manufacturing of our packaging takes place in the Union European with collaboration with companies European first level in the sector.

Control and traceability of the product is a key aspect. So in the case of closed circuits internal to the client, as in open circuits in which the trays leave the final customer's home, we offer a customer portal through which the customer can know in what point is each of their trays and what cycles has done.

An important part of the services we offer are collection, cleaning and control and delivery of the trays, so that at an operational level, the client ends up having the most similar procedure possible to which tindra with packaging SUP.

Social commitment

Aligned with the values and SDGs of our project, we have linked it to the Portolà foundation. The social character of our project is complemented by its work of social and labor integration.


You can contact us at:
C/ Ponent 15, 08756,
La Palma de Cervelló (Barcelona)
+34 93 672 03 46




